08-12-2020 15:00:35
08-12-2020 15:42:24
United States of America : Passport (2004 — 2014) with Visa Page Extension

This passport was issued in 2004 and only consist of 24 pages. In 2011, extra pages was added to and glued with a see-through adhesive sticker between page 10 and 11 and also between page 20 and 21.

It has numerous immigration stampings.

USA's Passport Type

Prior to World War I the passport was typically a large (11 in × 17 in / 28 cm × 43 cm) diploma, with a large engraved seal of the Department of State at the top, repeated in red wax at the bottom, the bearer's description and signature on the left, and his name on the right above space for data such as "accompanied by his wife," all in ornate script.


This had a stiff red cover, with a window cutout through which the passport number was visible. That style of passport contained 32 pages.

SERIES 1941 — 1976

American passports had green covers from 1941 until 1976.

There are different designs for the covers.

SERIES 1975 — 1977 : Bicentennial Celebration

The cover was changed to blue, as part of the American Revolution Bicentennial celebration 1776-1976.

SERIES 1981 — 1993

In 1981, the United States became the first country to introduce machine-readable passports.

Glued photo with purple text.

SERIES 1993 — 1994 : Benjamin Franklin

Green covers were again issued from April 1993 until March 1994, and included a special tribute to Benjamin Franklin in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the United States Consular Service.

SERIES 1994 — 2000

After March 1994, blue passports, with pages showing U.S. state seals, were reissued.

SERIES 2000 — 2006

In 2000, the Department of State started to issue passports with digital photos.

SERIES 2006 : Biometric

August 2007 biometric passports were issued to the public.

SERIES 2007 : USA Landscape

In 2007, images showcasing landscapes of the United States as well as places and objects of significance to U.S. history were introduced.