26-07-2016 02:29:17
26-07-2016 02:29:38
WW1 British 1915 National Registration Act Identity Card, Fareham, Ethel Clifton

Identity Card from the First World War.   It is a unique insight into those times and has the hand-written details of the holder as well as the official stamp of the issuing Local Authority. It finishes with the declaration “GOD SAVE THE KING”   It is named to James Archibald Clifton  (Gardener) of 6 the Mount N. Wallington Fareham, London, Great Britain. It has the stamp of the “National Service Medical Board Southampton.   The National Registration Act 1915 provided for a register of all persons between the ages of 15 and 65, who were not members of the Armed Forces. The information supplied under the Act provided manpower statistics and also enabled the military authorities to discriminate between persons who should be called up for military service and those who should in the national interest be retained in civil employment.