27-07-2019 15:53:46
Hong Kong S.A.R : "Adult" Permanent Identity Card (2018) Third Generation

The Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card (Chinese: ??????????) is a class of Hong Kong Identity Card (HKIC) issued to Hong Kong residents who have the right of abode (ROA) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

This third generation Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card was issued from 23 June 2003, the Immigration Department of Hong Kong began issuing a new Smart Identity card. The cards contained an embedded microchip, which stored the bearer's information electronically. This generation was replaced with the fourth issue from 27 December 2018.

The card types can be further divided into cards bearing the term "child" (below age 11 and not compulsory. The card can be requested to obtain later a passport with a Hong Kong permanent resident number), "youth" (from age 11 up until 18), and "adult" (issued from age 18 onwards).