15-12-2020 19:08:03
15-12-2020 19:25:49
Malaysia : Restricted Passport (1987 — 1992)

The passport was issued in 1987 and valid for five years. But then renewed in 1992 and expired on 13/05/1997.

The holder was granted a number of long-stays in Singapore. Each permission lasted 1 year and then extended again for another year. The final extension was granted until the final day of the expiry.

On 1 July 1992, an amendment was made and the gender of the holder was changed from "male" to "female".
13/05/1987 20/05/1987    
13/05/1987 22/01/1988 Visit pass  
21/01/1988 20/01/1989 Visit pass  
18/01/1989 20/01/1990 Pass extension  
19/01/1990   L.T.A. Subang (Entry)  
21/01/990   L.T.A. Subang (Exit)  
22/01/1990 21/01/1991 Visit pass  
22/01/1991 14/01/992 Pass extension  
13/01/992 27/01/1992    
13/01/992 12/01/1994 Visit pass  
11/01/1994 25/01/1994 Visit pass  
11/01/1994 10/01/1996 Pass extension  
10/01/1996   Fourteen days  
23/01/1996   Exit through Woodlands Exit and re-entry on the same day.
23/01/1996   Fourteen days
01/02/1996 15/02/1996 Visit pass  
01/02/1996 13/04/1997 Pass extension Final extension