04-06-2016 05:15:46
04-06-2016 14:36:12
German Democratic Republic (East Germany) : Passport 1984

Standard Type 1966 - 1986 : Blue

Unification contract defined that GDR passports remain valid until 31 December 1995. This passport was renewed twice, both on 8 February 1990, to 31 May 1990 and until 31 May 1994.

It has 48 pages in total.

GDR passports contain text in German, French, English and Russian.

GDR passports contain a note to the effect that:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs asks all authorities both inland and abroad to let the bearer of this passport travel freely and to grant him any protection and assistance that he might require.


East Germany, formally the German Democratic Republic or GDR (German: Deutsche Demokratische Republik / DDR), was a state in the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War period. From 1949 to 1990, it administered the region of Germany that was occupied by Soviet forces at the end of World War II—the Soviet Occupation Zone of the Potsdam Agreement, bounded on the east by the Oder–Neisse line. The Soviet zone surrounded West Berlin, but did not include it; as a result, West Berlin remained outside the jurisdiction of the GDR. The German Democratic Republic was established in the Soviet Zone, while the Federal Republic was established in the three western zones. The East was often described as a satellite state of theSoviet Union