27-09-2016 20:18:35
29-09-2016 07:52:15
British India - Folded Large Passport (1920) Issued in Bombay for Travelling to Federated Malay States

An interesting copy of British India passport issued in Bombay. It has green cover and the design is similar to British passport issued in 1915 (variety 1 - without cutout windows).

The use of passports was introduced to India after the First World War. The Indian Passport Act of 1920 required the use of passports, established controls on the foreign travel of Indians, foreigners travelling to and within India.

The paper, when unfolded is 530 x 327 mm.
 Row 1 Column 1  R1 C2   R1 C3   R1 C4   R1 C5 
 Row 2  Column 2   R2 C2  R2 C3  R2 C4   R2 C5

Folded large passport which folded sections are divided into the sections per table above and only has a single entry on R1C5,
Seen by
John E Edwards
Port Officer, Penang
Date 12-10-20

and written permission,
Valid for the journey to the Federated Malay States.

Passport regulations on page R1C1,


1. Applications for Indian Passports must be made in the prescribed form, a specimen of which is attached to these regulations, and submitted either direct of through the local authority —
(a) in the case of a resident in British India, to the Local Government concerned.
(b) in the case of a resident in a Native State, to the Agen to the Governor-General or Political Resident concerned.

2. The charge for an Indian Passport is Re. 1.

3. Indian Passports are granted to :—

(a) Natural-born British Subjects.
(b) Wives and widows of such persons.
(c) Persons naturalized in the United Kingdom, in the British Colonies, or in India.
(d) Subjects of Native States in India.

4. Passports are granted upon the production of a declaration by the applicant (in the case of a child under 15 requiring a separate Passport, by the child's parent or guardian) in the prescribed form of application verified by a declaration made by a Political Officer, Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, Police Officer not below the rank of Superintendent, or Notary Public, resident in India.

5. If the applicant for a Passport be a Naturalized British Subject, the certificate of naturalization must be forwarded with the form of application to the officer empowered to grant the Passport. It will be returned with the Passport to the applicant through the person who may have verified the declaration.

Passport request on page R1C2,
No. 411

These are to request and require, in the name of the Viceroy and Governor-General of India, all those whom it may concern to allow
S. Arumugam Chetty

to pass freely, without let or hindrance, and to afford him every assistance and protection of which he may stand in need.

Given at
Madras the 14th day of May 1920.
By order of the Viceroy and Governor-General.
Collector of Madras.

Nationality written as,
A subject of the State of Pudukkottai, and as such entitled to His Majesty's Protection.

Passport validity printed on R2C2,
This Passport is valid for 2 years only from the date of its issue. It may be renewed for 4 further periods of two years each after which a new Passport will be required.

Special instruction on R2C5,

Instructions for Officer filling in Passport.

Under header national status enter whichever of following may be appropriate :—
(i) A British Subject,

(ii) A Subject of the State of ..., a Native State in India, and as such entitled to His Majesty's Protection,

(iii) If naturalized in the United Kingdom under the provision of the Naturalization Act, 1870, or if naturalized under the provisions of the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914.

A naturalized British subject, followed by the date of the certificate and the words " of (Spanish) origin."

(iv) If naturalized in a Dominion or Colony or in British India under the provisions of Colonial or Indian laws only.

Naturalized in (insert name of Possession followed by date of certificate and origin as above).