14-09-2019 21:37:10
14-09-2019 22:00:14
Republic of Cuba : Passport (2013 — 2019)

This passport was issued on 13 January 2013, a day before the exit permit (Permiso de Salida) requirement abolished and the holder first travelled as seen from immigration stamping was in November 2015.

Cuban passports has a maximum of six years validity, but every two years within the validity period, the passport must be re-endorsed. Cubans on the island pay 100 CUC for their passport and 20 CUC for each extension.[1]

This format was first issued on 01 January 2001.

La autoridad que expide el presente pasaporte en nombre del Gobierno de la República de Cuba, certifica que el Titular es ciudadano cubano y en tal virtud solicita a las autoridades civiles y militares de los países por donde transite le presten la asistencia y protección necesarias.

L'autorité qui émet le présent passeport au nom du Gouvernment de la République de Cuba certifie que son titulaire est citoyen cubain et, en foi de quoi, prie les autorités civiles et militaires des pays où voyage le porteur de bien vouloir lui prêter l'assistance et la protection nécessaire.

The authority issuing the present passport on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cuba certifies that the bearer is a Cuban citizen and, in virtue of this, requests the civil and military authorities of the countries through which he travels to provide him with whatever protection and assistance he needs.

Este pasaporte es personal e intransferible y será sancionado quien permita su uso por tercera persona. Es válido por dos años y prorrogables por 2 años, 2 veces.

El extravío de este documento será notificado a la Dirección de Inmigración y Extranjería o al funcionario diplomático o consular más próximo a su domicilio.

Para que el titular pueda disfrutar de la protección de los representantes diplomáticos y consulares de Cuba y gozar de los tratados internacionales y las leyes a que tiene derecho como ciudadano cubano, está obligado a presentarlo a la misión cubana donde radique a fin de quedar inscripto como ciudadano cubano. Esta inscripción debe hacerse dentro de los 3 días de su arribo al lugar.

Este pasaporte es nulo si aparece enmendado en cualquier forma.

Translated as,
This passport is personal and non-transferable and whoever allows its use by a third person will be sanctioned. It is valid for two years and extendable for 2 years, 2 times.

The loss of this document will be notified to the Immigration and Foreigners Department or to the diplomatic or consular officer closest to your home.

In order for the holder to enjoy the protection of diplomatic and consular representatives of Cuba and enjoy international treaties and the laws to which he is entitled as a Cuban citizen, he is obliged to present him to the Cuban mission where he resides in order to be registered as Cuban citizen This registration must be made within 3 days of your arrival at the place.

This passport is void if it is amended in any way.



  1. ^ https://www.cubaheadlines.com/2019-03-18-p1-the-cost-of-the-passport-is-the-biggest-obstacle-to-travel-of-cuban-citizens