07-02-2019 22:22:19
07-02-2019 22:27:34
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina : Biometric Passport — Series VI (2013 — 2016)

Issued by MUP R. SRPSKE (Republike Srpske)

Republika Srpska (Serbian Cyrillic: ????????? ?????a) is one of two constitutional and legal entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the other being the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The entities are largely autonomous. Its de jure capital city is Sarajevo, but the de facto capital and administrative centre is Banja Luka.

Series VI : ICAO Biometric Passport (Generation 2)

On 15 July 2009, the Bosnian Minister of Civil Affairs announced that Bosnia and Herzegovina will begin issuing regular biometric passports on 14 October 2009, when a larger amount of passports will be delivered from German producer Bundesdruckerei. The diplomatic biometric passport was issued on 29 November 2010 and the service biometric passport was issued on 17 December 2009.

Bosnia and Herzegovina's biometric passport includes a contactless chip containing the holder's photograph, signature and fingerprints.

It deploys second-generation e-Passport technology which includes a contactless chip containing the holder's photograph, signature and fingerprints are known as extended access control (EAC) passports, which "include more digital certificates and special protection of fingerprints compared to the previous generation of biometric passports".

The second generation refers to the ICAO standard which requires the implementation of fingerprints (EF_DG3) and the main difference is the new security mechanism known as Extended Access Control (EAC) which is necessary for access protection. In second-generation ePassports, fingerprints are considered to be highly sensitive information, hence the new protection.

BiH passports are not renewable, and applicants have to apply for a new passport every five years.

Produced by Bundesdruckerei (Federal Printing Office) based in Berlin, Germany.


Introducing biometric passports is the key condition set by the European Union to Bosnia for cancelling the visa regime. The Council of the European Union on 8 November 2009[1] announced that the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina possessing biometric passports will be able to travel to and throughout the Schengen area without a visa from 15 December 2010[2].


Regular document number starts with an A and followed by 7 digits. Service passport number starts with an S.

Because it does not follow the ICAO requirement which uses 9 alphanumerics, the document number has been padded with one < in the MRZ.

Predominant Colour Cover: Dark-blue
Pages: Bluish-gray
Perforations Laser perforations at bottom of pages, from page 3 to back cover.
Watermark Coat of Arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Total Pages 32
Dimension ISO/IEC 7810 or ID-3 or B7
ICAO Standard Passport Booklet Size
88 × 125 mm
Front Cover Country's Name


Document's Name


ICAO ePassport Symbol

Golden hot foil stamping.
Front Cover - Interior Side Country's Name
Page 1 Country's Name
Document's Name
Document's Number (Printed as Barcode)
Page 2 Flimsy Laminated Datapage
Page 3 Observations
UV-reactive showing facial image, surname, given name and personal identity number of the holder, place of issue and passport number.
Page 4 to 30 Visas

Security-thread, repeated & alternately: BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA and БОСНА И ХЕРЦЕГОВИНА​​​
Page 31 Observations
Page 32 Notes & Regulations
Back Cover - Interior Side / Endpaper No information was printed but it holds the chip.


Country Code: BIH

Datapage was printed using the offset printing technique.

Digitally printed signature and a slightly larger ghost-image in the middle.

Information can only be read under UV-light on page 3.


Passports of Bosnia and Herzegovina are in the three official languages Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian (Cyrillic) and in addition to English.


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


A regular biometric passport has no diplomatic request.


The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina currently uses the coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina for official purposes.

The coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina was adopted in 1998, replacing the previous design that had been in use since 1992 when Bosnia and Herzegovina gained independence. It follows the design of the national flag.

The current coat of arms of Bosnia and Herzegovina presents the typical straight top, oval sides, and spiked bottom. The coat of arms has two background colours, dark blue and gold. The top right corner forms a yellow triangle symbolizing the shape of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the blue covering the remaining portions of the flag portraying the sky, rivers and lakes.


Available since 15 October 2009 and costing 40 KM (Roughly €20.51 in 2016)
6-year-old and below 3
7-year-old and older 5


Printed in Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian and English on the interior side of the back cover.
a) „Ovaj pasoš treba čuvati na svaki način i ne smije se mijenjati";
b) „Ovaj pasoš smije upotrebljavati samo lice na čije je imo izdat. Nosilac pasoša mlađi od 14 godina može putovati u inostranstvo samo u pratnji roditelja ili zakonskog zastupnika, odnosno mora imati saglasnost oba roditelja ili zakonskog zastupnika, odnosno staraoca, koju je ovjerio nadležni organ, ako putuje u pratnji druge osobe";
c) „Ovaj pasoš je važeći ako je potpisan od strane nosioca na mjestu određenom za potpis. U slučajevima kada je nosilac pasoša maloljetno lice do 7 godina starosti, slijepo lice ili lice koje zbog fizičkih nedostataka nije u mogućnosti da se potpiše, pasoš je važeći i bez potpisa nosioca pasoša";
d) „Nosilac ovog pasoša je državijanin Bosne i Hercegovine";
e) „Ovaj pasoš sadrži 32 strane".

a) „Овај пасош треба чувати на сваки начин и нe смије ce мијењати";
б) „Овај пасош смиje употребљавати само лице на чије име је издат. Носилац пасоша млађи од 14 година може путовати у иностранство само у пратњи родитеља или законског заступника, односно мора имати сагласност оба родитеља или законског заступника, Односно стараоца, коју је овјерио надлежни орган, ако путује у пратњи другог лица";
в) „Овај пасош је важећи ако је потписан ОД стране носиоца на мјесту одређеном за потпис. У случајевима када је носилац пасоша малољетно лице до 7 година старости, слијепо лице или лице које због физичких недостатака није у могућности да се потпише, пасош је важећи и без потписа носиоца пасоша";
г) „НосилаЦ овог пасоша је држављанин Босне и Херцеговине";
д) „Овај пасош садржи 32 стране".

a) „Ovu putovnicu treba čuvati na svaki način i ne smije se mijenjati";
b) „Ovu putovnicu smije upotrebljavati samo osoba na čije ime je izdata. Nositelj putovnice mlađi od 14 godina može putovati u inozemstvo samo u pratnji roditelja ili zakonskog zastupnika, odnosno mora imati suglasnost oba roditelja ili zakonskog zastupnika, odnosno staratelja, koju je ovjerilo nadležno tijelo, ako putuje u pratnji druge osobe";
c) „Ova putovnica je važeća ako je potpisana od strane nositelja na mjestu određenom za potpis. U slučajevima kada je nositelj putovnice maloljetna osoba do 7 godina starosti, slijepa osoba ili osoba koja zbog fizičkih nedostataka nije u mogućnosti da se potpiše, putovnica je važeća i bez potpisa nositelja putovnice";
d) „Nositelj ove putovnicu je državljanin Bosne i Hercegovine";
e) „Ova putovnica sadrži 32 strane".

a) „This passport is to be safeguarded and not to be changed in any way";
b) „This passport may be used only by the person in whose name it is issued. The bearer of this passport who is under the age of 14 may travel abroad only if accompanied by parents or legal representative or, if traveling in the company of another person, must have the consent of both parents or legal representative, or guardian, which is certified by the competent authority";
c) „This passport is valid only if signed by the bearer at the place specified for signature. In cases where the passport bearer is under the age of 7, a blind person or a person who due to physical impairments is unable to sign, the passport is valid without the signature of the passport bearer";
d) „The bearer of this passport is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina";
e) „This passport contains 32 pages"



  1. ^ https://consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/jha/117555.pdf
  2. ^ https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-europe-balkans-visas/albanians-bosnians-rejoice-at-visa-free-travel-idUSLNE6BF05C20101216