10-09-2018 13:14:40
11-09-2018 22:32:39
Third Hellenic Republic (Greece) : ICAO Biometric ePassport (2009 — 2014) Series AB with Visa for USA

Greek passports are issued exclusively to Greek citizens for the purpose of international travel. Biometric passportshave been issued since 26 August 2006, with old-style passports being declared invalid as of 1 January 2007. Since June 2009, the passport's RFID chip includes two index fingerprints as well as a high resolution JPEG image of the passport holder. Every Greek citizen is also a citizen of the European Union. The passport, along with the national identity card allows for free rights of movement and residence in any of the states of the European Union andEuropean Economic Area.

The Greek passport follows the standard European Union passport design, with a burgundy red cover and the national emblem emblazoned on the centre of the front cover. The word ΔΙΑΒΑΤΗΡΙΟ (Greek for "passport") is inscribed below the coat of arms, while ΕΥΡΩΠΑ?ΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ (European Union) and ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ (Hellenic Republic) appear above. Greek passports contain 32 pages and are valid for 5 years (adults) and 2 years (individuals up to the age of 14).

The issuing of a standard adult passport costs €84.40, while that of a child costs €73.60


It has a sticker visa for the United States of America.


Greek passport is one of the prettiest passport ever issued showing themes of classical images in its interior pages.
Front Cover (Interior) Perikles makes a speech in Pnyka
Page 6 & 7 Cycladic Figurines
Page 8 & 9 Knossos
Page 10 & 11 The Phaistos Disc
Page 12 & 13 Lighting of the Olympic Flame
Page 14 & 15 Athenian Trireme
Page 16 & 17 The Parthenon
Page 18 & 19 Epidaurus
Page 20 & 21 Delphi
Page 22 & 23 Vergina
Page 24 & 25 The Antikythera Mechanism
Page 26 & 27 The Monastery of Simonos Petra
Page 28 & 29 Agia Sophia - Mystras
Page 30 & 31 The Bridge of Arta / The Rion - Antirrion Bridge