07-09-2018 17:21:58
07-09-2018 17:44:44
United State of America : Passport (1989 — 1999) Purple-Printed Text

The interior texts were printed in purple. It has three immigration stampings, one is unknown and the other two from the Republic of Colombia.

The Secretary of State of the United State of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/ national of the United State named herein to pam without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection.

Le Secrétaire d'Etat des Etats-Unis d'Amérique prie par les présentes toutes autorités compétentes de laisser passer le citoyen ou ressortissant des Etats-Unis titulaire du présent passeport, sans délai ni difficulté et, en cas de besoin, de lui accorder toute aide et protection légitimes.