22-11-2017 11:04:12
22-11-2017 11:23:19
Malaysia : Certificate of Citizenship (1984)

Constitution of Malaysia — Article 16. Citizenship by registration (persons born in the Federation before Merdeka Day, 31 August 1957)

Subject to Article 18, any person of or over the age of eighteen years who was born in the Federation before Merdeka Day is entitled, upon making application to the Federal Government, to be registered as a citizen if he satisfies the Federal Government—
(a) that he has resided in the Federation during the seven years immediately preceding the date of the application, for periods amounting in the aggregate to not less than five years;
(b) that he intends to do so permanently;
(c) that he is of good character; and
(d) that he has an elementary knowledge of the Malay language.