24-09-2017 10:38:37
24-09-2017 10:57:46
United Kingdom : British Foreign Office Passport — Folded Sheet (1920)

This passport was issued to a 49-year-old Mrs  Mary McLeod by the Foreign Office in London.

This document has two "windows"-cutouts and the red-seal shows a date of 5 January 1920.

We, George Nathaniel Curzon, Earl Curzon of Kedleston, Viscount Scarsdale, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, a Member of His Britannic Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, etc., etc., etc.

His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Request and require in the Name of His Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow

Mrs Mary McLeod

to pass free without let or hindrance and to afford her every assistance and protection of which she may stand in need.

Given at the Foreign Office, London
the 16th day of January 1920.


1. APPLICATIONS for Foreign Office Passports must be made in the authorized form, and enclosed in a cover addressed to "THE PASSPORT OFFICE, 1, LAKE BUILDINGS, ST. JAMES' PARK, LONDON, S. W. 1."

2. The charge for a Passport is 5s. Passports are issued at the Passport Office, between the hours of 10 and 4 (Saturdays 10 to 1), except on Sundays and Public Holidays, when the Passport Office is closed. Applications should, if possible, reach the Passport Office not less than seven days before that on which the Passport is required. If the applicant does not reside in London, the Passport may be sent y post, and a Postal Order for 5s. should in that case accompany the application. POSTAGE STAMPS WILL NOT BE RECEIVED IN PAYMENT.

3. Foreign Office Passports are granted
(1.) To natural-born British subjects.
(2.) To the wives and widows of such persons ; and
(3.) To persons naturalized in the United Kingdom, in the British Dominions or Colonies, or in India.

A married woman is deemed to be a. subject of the State of which her husband is for the time being a subject.

4. Passports are granted
(1.) In the case of natural-born British subjects and persons naturalized in the United Kingdom, upon the production of a Declaration by the applicant in the authorized form, verified by a Declaration made by a member or official of any Banking Firm established in the United Kingdom, or by any Mayor, Magistrate, Provost, Justice of the Peace, Minister of Religion, Barrister-at-law, Physician, Surgeon, Solicitor, or Notary Public, resident in the United Kingdom. The applicant's Certificate of Birth and other evidence may also be required. Applicants serving in His Majesty's Forces, may have their declarations verified by their Commanding Officer.

(2.) In the case of children under the age of 16 years requiring a separate Passport, upon production of a Declaration made by the child’s parent or guardian, in a Form (B), to be obtained upon application to the Passport Office.

(3.) In the case of persons naturalized in any of the British Self-governing Dominions, upon production of a Recommendation from the High Commissioner or Agent-General in London 0 the State concerned ; and in the case of natives of British India and persons naturalized therein, upon production of a Letter of Recommendation from the India Office. Persons naturalized or ordinarily resident in any of the Crown Colonies must obtain a Letter of Recommendation from the Colonial Office.

5. If the applicant for a passport be a Naturalized British subject, the Certificate of Naturalization must be forwarded to the Passport Office with the Declaration or Letter of Recommendation. Naturalized British subjects, if resident in London or in the suburbs, must apply personally for their Passports at the Passport Office ; if resident in the country, the Passport will be sent, and the Certificate of Naturalization returned, to the person who may have verified the Declaration, for delivery to the applicant.

Naturalized British subjects will be described as such in their Passports, which will be issued subject to the necessary qualifications.

6. Foreign Office Passports are not available beyond two years from the date of issue. They may be renewed for four further periods of two years each, after which fresh Passports must be obtained. The fee for each renewal is 2s.

7. A Passport cannot be issued by the Foreign Office on behalf of a person already abroad ; such person should apply for one to the nearest British Mission or Consulate. Passports must not be sent out of the United Kingdom by post.

Foreign Office, November, 1919.