18-11-2016 23:16:45
Federation of Malaya : Passport (1959 — 1964 — 1968)

Endorsement to visit Hong Kong and from China too.

Handstamped from STATE OF SINGAPORE in 1963 before the formation of Malaysia.

Post-independence, documents were similarly issued in two languages, but instead of English-French, Malay-English was adopted.

Thus, the word PASPOT first appeared officially.

Other than language and spelling, other changes made from British Passport to Federation Passport, are:
  1. Colour: From Old-Blue to Red
  2. Background printing
  3. Citizenship



The request page was written in two languages, Malay and English and was signed.

Bahawa sa-nya atas nama Yang di-Pertuan Agong Persekutuan Tanah Melayu di-minta sakalian yang berkenaan supaya membenarkan pembawa paspot ini lalu dengan bebas dengan tiada halangan dan memberi kapada-nya apa-apa jua pertolongan dan perlindongan yang perlu.

There are to request and require in the name of the Paramount Ruler of the Federation of Malaya all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.

Bagi Pehak Menteri Luar / Konsol Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

For Minister of External Affairs / Consul of the Government of the Federation of Malaya.

Notes and reminder where given in two languages, Malay and English.


1. Pasport ada-lah di-keluarkan dan di-baharui oleh pehak berkuasa yang berkenaan di-Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan oleh Wakil2 Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu di-negeri luar: maka kapada-nya-lah meminta. Di-negeri2 yang tiada wakil Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu boleh-lah minta kapada pegawai diplomat atau konsol British.

2. Paspot ini boleh di-pakai sa-lama lima tahun dari tarikh mula2 di-keluarkan kechuali jika di-dalam-nya ada di-nyatakan lain daripada itu, dan boleh di-baharui dari tarikh habis tempoh-nya dengan sharat tidak boleh lebeh dari tempoh 10 tahun dari tarikh mula2 di-keluarkan. Bayaran pembaharuan $2/- bagi tiap2 tahun. Paspot tidak boleh di-pakai lebeh daripada 10 tahun dari tarikh pengeluaran-nya yang pertama. Jika di-dalam pasport tiada tempat lagi untok menuliskan visa hendak-lah ambil paspot yang baharu.

3. Paspot boleh di-pakai untuk negeri2 yang di-tunjokkan pada muka 4. Barang siapa memakai paspot-nya dengan melanggar batas2 dan had2 yang di-tetapkan di-dalam-nya haris ia tidak akan mendapat perlindongan dari wakil2 Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sa-masa ia maseh di-luar negeri. Orang yang mempunya paspot tidak-lah terlepas daripada mengikut peratoran2 imigresen yang berlaku di-negeri2 luar dan juga daripada mengambil visa atau surat kebenaran di-mana2 yang di-kehendaki.

4. Paspot yang mengandongi keterangan hal anak pembawa tidak boleh di-gunakan oleh anak itu jika mereka pergi bersendiri.

5. Anak yang sudah sampai 15 tahun umor-nya hendak-lah mempunyai paspot sendiri.


6. Warga Negara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang tinggal di-negeri luar hendak-lah dengan sa-berapa segera mendaftarkan nama dan alamat-nya kapada wakil Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Kalau tidak di perbuat demikian dalam masa dzarurat harus-lah kelak payah atau lambat mereka mendapat pertolongan atau perlindongan yang mereka berhak menerima-nya sa-bagai warga negera daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, dan lagi pun, jika timbul sa-suatu hal, harus ia akan hilang hak Kera'ayatan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Hendak-lah memberi tahu apabila bertukar alamat atau berkeluar daripada negeri itu.


7. Orang2 yang jadi Warga Negara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu boleh memiliki rupabangsa negeri lain sa-lain daripada kera'ayatan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Apabila mereka di-dalam negeri kera'ayatan-nya yang kedua orang2 yang tersebut tidak-lah mendapat perlingdongan wakil Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu daripada langkah2 pehak berkuasa kerajaan negeri yang kedua itu ka-atas-nya, dan walau pun mereka mempunyai kera'ayatan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu tidak-lah mereka terlepas daripada kewajipan2 saperti berkhidmat dalam tentera yang harus di-sempurnakan oleh-nya menurut undang2 negeri itu.


8. Pasport ini tetap jadi hak Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan boleh di-tarek balek pada bila2 masa jua pun. Paspot2 tidak-lah boleh di-kirimkan dengan pos dari sa-buah negeri ka-sabuah negeri.

9. Paspot ini ia-lah surat yang di-hargai dan jangan sa-kali2 di-ubah atau di-serahkan ka-tangan orang yang tiada hak memiliki-nya. Jika sa-kira-nya paspot ini hilang atau binana maka hendak-lah di-adukan hal ini dengan serta-merta ka-Pejabat Paspot yang hampir sa-kali di-Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, atau kapada wakil Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang hampir sa-kali di-negeri luar dan juga kapada pehak polis tempatan. Di-tempat yang tiada wakil Kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu hendak-lah hal itu di-adukan kapada Pegawai Diplomat atau Konsol British yang hampir sa-kali. Paspot yang baharu hanya boleh di-keluarkan sa-sudah di-siasat dengan sachukup-nya.

The Malay version, has two wrong spellings marked in red.

In English,


1. Passports are issued and renewed by the competent authorities in the Federation of Malaya, and by Representatives of the Federation of Malaya abroad, to whom applications should be made. Where there is no Federation of Malaya representative, applications may be made to a British Diplomatic or Consular Office.

2. They are available for five years in the first instance unless other stated, and may be renewed from the date of expiry, provided the total period of validity of ten years from the original date is not exceeded. The fee for each year of renewal is $2/-. They are not available beyond ten years from the original date of issue. If at any time the passport contains no further space for visas, a new passport must be obtained.

3. Passports are available for the countries shown on page 4. A person using a passport in contravention of the restriction and limitations imposed in it may have the protection of the Federation of Malaya representatives withdrawn while he is abroad. The possession of a passport does not exempt the holder from compliance with any immigration regulations in force in countries abroad, or from the necessity of obtaining a visa or permit where required.

4. A passport including particulars of the holder's children is not available for the children's use when they are travelling alone.

5. Children who have reached the age of 15 years require separate passports.


6. Citizens of the Federation of Malaya who are resident abroad should at the earliest opportunity register their names and addressed with a Federation of Malaya representative. Failure to do so in a period of emergency may result in difficulty or delay in according Citizens of the Federation of Malaya the assistance and protection to which they are entitled. Failure to register may also render them liable, in certain circumstances, to loss of Citizenship of the Federation of Malaya. Changes of addressed or departure from the country should also be reported.


7. Persons who are Citizens of the Federation of Malaya may posses a foreign nationality in addition to their Citizenship of the Federation of Malaya. When in the country of their second nationality, such persons cannot avail themselves of the protection of Federation of Malaya representatives against the authorities of the foreign country, and are not exempt, by reason of possessing Citizenship of the Federation of Malaya, from any obligations such as military service to which they may be liable under foreign law.


8. This passport remains the property of the Government of the Federation of Malaya and may be withdrawn at any time. Passports should not be sent from one country to another by post.

9. It is a valuable document and should not be altered in any way or allowed to pass into the possession of an unauthorised person. If lost of destroyed, the fact and circumstances should be immediately reported to the nearest Passport Office in the Federation of Malaya, or to the nearest Federation of Malaya representative abroad, and to the local police. Where there is no Federation of Malaya representative the loss should be reported to the nearest British Diplomatic or Consular Officer. New passports can only be issued in such cases after exhaustive enquiries.