25-06-2018 22:34:30
26-06-2018 16:05:37
Malaysia : International Passport — Model K — ICAO Biometric ePassport (2018 — 2023)

Model K : ICAO Biometric ePassport 2017 — Current

Based on a new contract, Datasonic will be providing chips with booklets for Malaysian International Passport beginning 1 December 2016 and will continue doing so until 30 November 2021.[1] This new re-designed passport was issued for the public since 15 November 2017[2].

Kuala Lumpur Scene by Night

Secondary monochrome (ghost) image Multiple Laser Image integrated onto the card using laser engraving, switching between the holder's image and country's code: MYS.


UV on the diplomatic request page.

UV on the backside of datapage; showing the Kuala Lumpur Scene by Night.

UV on the datapage.


The datapage.

Colour schemes on the datapage and interior pages.

Note number 7 on page 49 was removed.

The overall interior colour, decoration design showing flora and fauna as well as buildings and nature parks to include from Sabah and Sarawak.

The security thread on every page.


The ICAO has recommended for ePassports worldwide and the European Union (EU) has decided to enforce ePassports within the EU the use of SAC mechanism for all travel documents issued as of December 2014.

Malaysia however is still using second-generation ICAO ePassport which utilizes EAC for data access control.

Extended Access Control (EAC) is a set of advanced security features for electronic passports that protects and restricts access to sensitive personal data contained in the RFID chip. In contrast to common personal data (like the bearer’s photograph, names, date of birth, etc.) which can be protected by basic mechanisms, more sensitive data (like fingerprints) must be protected further for preventing unauthorized access and skimming. A chip protected by EAC will allow that this sensitive data is read (through an encrypted channel) only by an authorized passport inspection system.


Malaysia International Passports with a chip embedded in the polycarbonate datapage can be issued within one hour of receiving payment. Applicants are no longer required to bring in personal photos as they are being taken digitally at the Passport Division counter using Facial Live Capture Recognition Device. All photographs must now show neutral facial expressions.

Documents issued from 15 November 2017 are using fee structure from the table below and fixed validity of 5 years non-renewable.
Disabled Gratis
► Senior citizens (60 and above)
► Children below 12
► Haj pilgrims with proof from Tabung Haji or authorised agency
► Students below 21 with proof of studying abroad for a degree program
Normal applicants (13 to 59-year-old) 200.00

Predominant Colour Cover: Red
Pages: Bluish-purplish
Watermark Coat-of-arms of the Federation of Malaysia
Perforations On top of interior pages using a laser.
From page 3 to page 48.
Dimension ISO/IEC 7810 or ID-3 or B7
ICAO Standard Passport Booklet Size
88 × 125 mm
Total of Pages 50
Front Cover
Country's Name

Coat-of-Arms of
the Federation of Malaysia

Document's Name

ICAO ePassport Symbol
Front Cover - Interior Side Diplomatic Request Page
Page 1 Document's & Country's Name

Travel Restriction
Total Page in the Booklet
Page 2 Datapage with Embedded Chip
Page 3 Observation
Document's Number (Barcode)
Holder's Signature

Logo of the Immigration Department
Page 4 & Page 5 Putra Mosque, Putrajaya
Page 6 & Page 7 Istana Negara, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim
Page 8 & Page 9 Parliament of Malaysia
Page 10 & Page 11 Palace of Justice, Putrajaya
Page 12 National Museum, Kuala Lumpur
Page 13 Sultan Abdul Samad Building, Kuala Lumpur
Page 14 & Page 15 Perdana Putra, Prime Minister's Office of Malaysia
Page 16 & Page 17 Kuala Lumpur Railway Station
Page 18 & Page 19 Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Sepang
Page 20 & Page 21 New Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building
Page 22 & Page 23 Putrajaya International Convention Centre
Page 24 & Page 25 Summit of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah
Page 26 Kuala Lumpur City Centre
Page 27 Kuala Lumpur Tower
Page 28 & Page 29 Putra Mosque, Putrajaya
Page 30 & Page 31 Istana Negara, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim
Page 32 & Page 33 Parliament of Malaysia
Page 34 & Page 35 Palace of Justice, Putrajaya
Page 36 National Museum, Kuala Lumpur
Page 37 Sultan Abdul Samad Building, Kuala Lumpur
Page 38 & Page 39 Perdana Putra, Prime Minister's Office of Malaysia
Page 40 & Page 41 Kuala Lumpur Railway Station
Page 42 & Page 43 Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Sepang
Page 44 & Page 45 New Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building
Page 46 & Page 47 Putrajaya International Convention Centre
Page 48 & Page 49 Summit of Mount Kinabalu, Sabah
Not Numbered Notes to Holder
Back Cover - Interior Side Notes Regarding Document Handling

The cover was printed using the gold foil debossing technique where the print is pressed into the material to leave a permanent cavity.

The adjectival form used on page 1 is somehow vague as the country adjective for Malaysia is Malaysian, therefore in English, it should have been written as MALAYSIAN PASSPORT.

Document's number which was repeated as either using laser perforation or printed as a barcode is of eight digits without the prefix of holder's residency status alphabet within the Federation of Malaysia. A is for a resident of the peninsular (known as Malaya or the Malay States), K is for Sarawak and H is for Sabah. But, the barcode on page three is only with numbers without the residency prefix.


The document was printed in Malay and English on the front cover, the interior side of the front cover, page 1, page 2, page 3, page 50 and the interior side of the back cover.


Visa pages were laser perforated with the passport number only in numeric digits and without residency prefix. Laser perforation produces no ridges and creates a conical effect in which the holes that make up each of the eight digits decrease in diameter, with the largest holes on page one and the smallest holes in the back of the book.

Bahawasanya atas nama Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Malaysia, diminta semua yang berkaitan supaya membenarkan pembawa pasport ini melalui negara berkenaan dengan bebas tanpa halangan atau sekatan dan memberikan sebarang pertolongan dan perlindungan yang perlu kepadanya.

This is to request and require in the Name of His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia, all whom it may concern to allow the bearer of this passport to pass freely without let or hindrance, and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.

Interesting to note that the Malay version did not capitalize the word nama but does so in the English version, both marked red in the text above.

Passport ini sah digunakan untuk semua negara kecuali Israel

This passport is valid for all countries except Israel

The real reason that the document is invalid for visiting Israel is that there are no diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Israel. Malaysia is one of 36 countries that do not recognize the statehood of Israel.

Despite the Malaysian government has banned the Malaysian passport holder from travelling to North Korea[3] from September 2017, it has not been explicitly reflected on the passport, unlike Israel.


1. Pasport ini dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia atau Pejabat Perwakilan Malaysia di luar negara.

2. Pasport ini ialah 'Hak Milik Kerajaan Malaysia' dan boleh ditarik balik pada bila-bila masa. Pasport ini tidak boleh dipinda atau dipindah milik kepada orang lain.

3. Tempoh sahlaku pasport hendaklah tidak kurang daripada 6 bulan sebelum pemegangnya membuat perjalanan ke luar negara.

4. Pemegang pasport mesti mematuhi undang-undang dan peraturan-peraturan negara yang dilawatinya.

5. Warganegara Malaysia yang menetap di luar negara hendaklah mendaftarkan diri di Pejabat Perwakilan Malaysia berkenaan.

6. Warganegara Malaysia yang memperoleh atau menggunakan hak kewarganegaraan negara lain boleh menyebabkan taraf kewarganegaraan Malaysia dilucutkan.

1. This passport is issued by the Immigration Department of Malaysia or Malaysian Mission Office.

2. This passport is the property of the Government of Malaysia and may be withdrawn at any time. This passport shall not be amended and is not transferable or given to any other party.

3. The passport must be valid for at least 6 months before the holder performs any journey abroad.

4. The holder of this passport shall oblige and submit to the laws and regulations of the respective countries.

5. Malaysians residing abroad should register with the respective Malaysian Mission Office.

6. A Malaysian who has acquired citizenship of other country or exercises any rights of a citizen under the law of that country may cause his/her Malaysian citizenship be revoked.

Note number 7 (which reads, "The holder’s photograph should be replaced if the holder’s appearance and features have visibly changed.") from the previous model was removed.

Pasport ini mengandungi alat elektronik yang sensitif. Jangan Iipat, tebuk atau dedahkan pada suhu yang terlampau/ekstrem.

This passport contains a sensitive electronic device. Do not bend, perforate or expose to extreme temperatures.



  1. ^ _, (2016, Aug 4), No quality issues with chips, says Datasonic. The Sun Daily. Available at http://www.thesundaily.my/news/1924209
  2. ^ Iwan Shu-Aswad Shuaib, (2017, Dec 2) New-look passport prettier and safer, too. Available at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/12/02/new-look-passport-prettier-and-safer-too/
  3. ^ _, (2017, Sep 28), Malaysians banned from going to North Korea. The Star. Available at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/09/28/malaysia-travel-ban-north-korea